Adult Christian Formation

An essential part of our faith life and fellowship involves Christian formation through study, reflection and conversation. The models for this type of discovery are numerous and varied: study of Scripture, investigation of our Episcopal/Anglican theology, looking at our common history through the ages, discussing the context of our present lives – our families, children and grand-children – in light of our faith, exploring art and music as reflecting the divine, sharing different methods of prayer, just to name a few.

It is in the gathering together, the sharing of fellowship, and always opening ourselves up to exploring and learning about our faith, that we further strengthen the blessing of our relationship with our Creator and each other. This is more about formation than it is about "education." Our lives are always changing; we are constantly forming and reforming what it means to be a disciple and apostle of Christ. St. Matthias is committed to providing ministry opportunities and meaningful programs which will help support and guide each person in our journey together.

The selection of topics varies, and every effort is made to listen to the wishes and desires of the parish in the preparation of our curriculum. Classes are held via Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Contact us at for access to the Zoom classes.

We welcome everyone to join us for our online Wednesday night class at 7pm as we study the lecture series from The Great Courses on: “The History and Archaeology of the Bible.” This series offers an overview of the most important archaeological discoveries related to stories in the Bible, from Genesis to the Gospels. This week’s Lesson Handout.

Tuesday Book Study

Book Study meets at the church at 12:15pm on Tuesdays. We are studying Love Does by Bob Goff. Goff tells us how to discover a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world. This book can be purchased on Amazon or at other sites. All are welcome to bring a lunch and join us at 12:15pm in the Parish Hall.